is Intermedic ?
- Intermedic is an international bimonthly magazine
dedicated to the publication of knowledge about Internet and its applications in Medicine and Health,
using a clear and understandable language for the non-specialist.
- Intermedic's target audience is the health
area students and professionals who are interested in using the Internet for study and
for professional purposes.
- Intermedic exists in two versions:
- the
printed edition, with 5,000 copies per issue, which is edited in Portuguese, supported
and distributed by Searle, a pharmaceutical company
with headquarters
in São Paulo; and set up and printed in collaboration with Lemos Editora, a publishing house
from São Paulo, Brazil;
- the on-line edition, through the Medicine and
Biology Electronic Publications Group (e*pub) from the
Center for Biomedical Informatics of
the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, from which
is a official publication. The on-line edition of Intermedic is available
at the address http://www.informaticamedica.org.br/intermedic
is entirely bilingual, in Portuguese and English.
The first issue
of Intermedic was published in July/August 1997.
- Intermedic has an editorial
staff formed by scientists from the Center for Biomedical Informatics, as well as an editorial board
with several internationally renowned specialists in Internet applications in Medicine.
- The Journal's creator and editor-in-chief is Prof. Renato
M.E. Sabbatini, PhD, director of the Center for Biomedical Informatics of UNICAMP
and editor-in-chief of the Informédica Magazine.
Intermedic is organized into several sections,
which appear in every issue:
- A Message from the Editor
- An editorial about a topic of current interest on Medicine and the
- Learning About The Internet
- This section contains articles directed to the beginner, who wishes to
learn the basic facts and tips about Internet and its use in Medicine. What
are the services available in the Internet, how do they work, how to use them
in the best way, how to find medical information on the Internet, etc.
- Internet Applications
- These are more advanced articles, that show specific applications
of Internet in the medical field. Multimedia medical records,
decision support systems, medical and pharmaceutical databases, bibliographical
search systems, forums and electronic publications, etc.
- Education
- Always an article reviewing a specific area of Internet
application in medical learning, teaching and education, such as sites, tutorials,
simulations, text and image databases, etc.
- Internet Resources
- Extensive list of resources, sites, links,
etc., which can be found on the Internet about a specific field or subfield of the health sciences,
such as in Cardiology, Pediatrics, Nuclear Medicine, medical colleges, libraries,
information for patients, etc. Gradually these articles will
accumulate into a very useful reference catalog.
- Book Reviews
- Reviews on recent books and other publications related to
Internet and Medicine.
- Site of the Month
- This section presents a complete critical
review about an interesting site in Medicine and Health on the Internet,
giving its address, main characteristics, most interesting resources, etc.
- MedLinks
- A collection of links and sites in Medicine and
Health, in Brazil and abroad, with short descriptions and an evaluation
by our editor.
- Software
- We present here reviews of useful
software packages for Internet users, such as browsers, tools for creating home pages, copying files,
eletronic mail programs, access to news,
information search, plug-ins for your browser, etc.
- Technical Advice
- Send us your question or doubt about technical issues related to
the Internet, and see
the answer given by our specialists.
- News
- News on the medical Internet world, or on issues of general interest
for internauts.
- New Products and Services
- All that is coming up in software, hardware, on-line
resources, services, etc.
to Obtain the Journal
Access to the on-line version is public and free,
at the address: http://www.informaticamedica.org.br/intermedic.
The printed edition is freely distributed only to Brazilian
physicians by Searle do Brasil. Please send all inquiries to:
Center for Biomedical Informatics
State University of Campinas
P.O. Box 6005
Campinas, SP 13081-970
Tel. (0055 019) 788-7130 or 7034 or (0055 19) 239-9800 ext. 141 and Fax (0055 019) 788-4717
Email: renato@sabbatini.com
Published by:
Center for Biomedical Informatics
State University of Campinas
© 1997 Renato
M.E. Sabbatini |
Sponsored by:
Searle Brazil |